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If you want to start closing sales in the DMs…
If you’re trying to write your *hopefully* high-converting sales page…
If you’re thinking about running Paid Ads…
You NEED to know a simple fact that so many people overlook in their marketing.
You cannot convert someone who isn’t ready to buy.
I know, it sounds simple, but it’s deceptively complex.
You see, so many business owners forget that no matter how well-structured your offers are or how brilliant your copy is, if it’s not speaking to the buyer phase your ideal client is in, no conversion is going to take place.
And that means no sales.
Without an audience that’s been nurtured intentionally down the buyer funnel…
You are speaking to (and selling to) the void.
That’s why it’s downright essential that you understand which one of the 5 Phases of Awareness your prospect is in when you’re talking to them.
Here’s the cliffnotes for you in case you’ve forgotten them:
Using THESE ☝🏽in your marketing is what gets you past the “Why aren’t people buying” worry stage and into the “OH DAYUM! I need to raise my rates” stage.
But what are they?
→ Have you ever read an article, or scrolled past a Facebook ad, that prodded at your struggles SO MUCH that you actually felt worse afterwards?
(There’s a reason the term ‘pain-point’ is used in reference to this aspect of marketing, it’s painful.)
→ Or maybe you’ve been on the receiving end of someone hard-selling you when you’re not sure you even NEED the product.
Yeah, no thanks, bubye!
(That’s a quick click away for me! )
These are examples of people not understanding the Buying Phase that YOU are in.
That’s why, when deciding on your sales messaging, you need to ALWAYS be aware at which Phase your client is in, so you can communicate with them more effectively.
Let’s jump in!
This gal doesn’t know she has a problem and isn’t looking for a solution.
(We don’t typically focus much on her as she doesn’t have awareness of any issues she is facing – much less needing or wanting to do anything about it.)
But the next gal, well she’s starting to think, Hmm maybe what I’m doing isn’t the best it could be, but isn’t yet thinking about solutions.
She’s in…
She knows there’s something not working, but isn’t yet looking for a solution.
Or maybe she doesn’t even know there IS a solution.
You know that friend who refuses to go to the doctor because she thinks her cough is normal and will just disappear in 3-5 business days. She knows it’s a problem (a loud and raspy one), but isn’t necessarily sure it’s one that needs to be fixed.
In essence, she doesn’t know there’s a better, healthier way.
To target this Phase, consider how it feels when you’ve had a problem in the past and you suddenly see a product that solves it – “Heck YES At-Home Ice-Cream Maker! I DO deserve Raspberry Swirl at lunch!”
In this Phase, your messaging needs to target the problem and offer your undoubtedly-awesome solution.
It’s a great place to start (and continue) using VOC to create informative and myth-busters-style content that speaks directly to her problem.
A warning about this Phase though:
There are two different ways to go about this in your messaging → Shame vs. Safety
Traditional pain-point selling is rooted in shame, making the customer feel wrong or helpless for not knowing how to succeed, and this, more often than not, leaves them feeling distressed.
With a safety approach, you infuse your copy with compassion, ensuring they feel seen and that they know it’s not their fault for suffering up until this point.
You should be a kind friend offering relief in the form of your product.
→ Insider scoop: A great copywriter isn’t writing all of their copy from scratch – they’re mostly using key messaging from the Voice of Customer data to inform and write their copy. Conduct a survey or interview a couple clients with open ended questions about what their most common struggles are, and this will inform the content you produce to target this phase.
This gal’s aware there are solutions to her problem right now i.e. She’s tired of the post-covid angry stares when she coughs on the bus.
She knows there are some expensive, and some not so expensive, options out there. She is getting a whiff of the many brands with promising cures (hello choice overload) and she’s growing curious, but isn’t really looking into them yet. Maybe she hasn’t seen yours yet.
Continuing with your VOC, you should be mirroring back to this group, in their words, what they have already said about the issues they face and the solutions they need.
Copy in this phase should feel educational and lead back to your authority on the subject, and why your solutions are better than the others they’ve seen out there.
This is also where positioning yourself as the authority can go really wrong. Copy that feels sales-y rather than educational and incentivizing will most likely leave your potential leads feeling like they’re helping you meet a quota, not that you genuinely want them to overcome the challenges they are facing.
Now she’s looking into the specifics of the solutions out there, comparing one to the other. She is in the aisle, starting to think about which bottle she’ll reach for. Maybe she’s researching individual options online.
This group is growing familiar with your content. They’ve looked into what you’re about and what you can do for them. They feel like you understand and care deeply about the challenges facing them, but they’re still not convinced they should choose you over the other brands offering similar solutions.
Maybe they signed up for your newsletter. Or listened to a podcast episode.
This is where you really get to solidify yourself as the authority by creating small wins for them with your copy, showing them why, out of everyone else out there, you are the best suited to understand and help overcome their challenges and nurture them toward their goals.
And hey, did I mention you should be using VOC to ensure they recognise their own words in your copy? 😉
Finally, at this phase she has decided to convert. Your branding, your spot-on description of her symptoms in words she herself used, and your clear and easy to implement instructions won her over. We’re on our way to the register.
But the journey doesn’t end there. Yes, you brought her to the point of conversion, and now your focus is on keeping her there.
That looks like consistent and value-packed newsletters, continuing to create those small wins for her, and establishing yourself as her go-to option, time and again, which ultimately means → longevity, referrals, and a nurtured relationship with lasting, mutual benefits.
Specifically crafting this kind of conversion copy for each of the phases is what we specialize in at the KC Copy Studio. So, if you’re tired of experimenting with it on your own and want to inquire with us, we’d love to help you infuse your customer journey with hyper-focused, high-converting copy that takes your ideal client from unaware to converted. Cheers to that 🥂
Want to test your understanding of the Phases of Awareness?
Quiz yourself below to reaffirm how smart you are [ANSWERS AT THE BOTTOM]
A = Phase 3
B = Phase 4
C = Phase 2
D = Phase 5
OR you can just leave it to the pros so you never have to worry about your DIY’d version not converting.
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