Here’s what this is all about
In 2020 I was an ex-school teacher trying to build a copywriting business from scratch so I could break free from a sexist work environment and retire my partner from his job, too. (Easy, right? 😅)
Late one night just two months into business, I sat, head in hands while tears slid down my cheeks onto the keyboard. It was my 7th day working in a row on a sales page project that was earning me less than $10 an hour once I added up all the time I spent on it.
I knew I had to make a change and up until that point, I thought my only problem was the amount I was charging. So with each new project that added to my positive results and experience, I increased my rates.
Yet I was still exhausted.
No matter how much I charged, I was working within an endless cycle of copywriting projects - “I just need to finish this Sales Page Copy, then I’ll get started on that email project and maybe after that I can find time to - oh nevermind, I better not say no to this new inquiry.”
Good money was rolling in, but sooner rather than later, I burned out.
Until one day I saw an email from a copywriter I admired who was offering a Day Rate service.
Intrigued, I clicked through to her services page and immediately felt unsure of myself. She had over 5 years of experience, had 10x the amount of testimonials I did, and just generally seemed like she had her sh*t together.
I had less than a year of copywriting experience, had good but limited results from clients, and had no formal marketing training.
I felt totally unqualified -
... yet still I invested my time into streamlining my workflows, learning what my clients really cared about (hint: it wasn’t length of project), and designing the *perfect* no-brainer, VIP Day Rate for my clients.
Luckily I stumbled onto this early on, which allowed me to experiment, hone my processes, and develop my simplified Day Rate Framework that reduced my project timelines from 3-4 weeks, into 1-5 days.
Same quality
Same deliverables
Same client transformation.
Clients and revenue poured in without much effort in marketing. I grew a reputation for top-notch client experience and kickass deliverables that actually get results.
Oh hey there, ROI 👋🏽